I Zingari

Junior BB

On what proved to be the hottest day of the year so far, Torry Hill, alive with butterflies in the outfield, was witness to an extraordinary game, in which the Stragglers, having bowled well enough, collapsed in startling disarray only for the Evans brothers to put on... Read more

London New Zealand

The Stragglers hosted London New Zealand at Torry Hill for an inaugural fixture on one of the very few hot, sunny days on offer in this gloomy summer.  Once more the strip was fast and true, and an electric outfield was going to reward good shots.  Swallows skimmed... Read more


The Stragglers returned to winning ways at Torry Hill, with an all-round performance of such strength that even dropped catches could be considered as minor misdemeanours.  Tarbarrow arrived from Gloucestershire a couple of men short, and, as the Straggs now regularly... Read more

I Zingari

With overnight storms and an inch of rain across the county, it was no surprise to find the teams gathered at Torry Hill wondering about a damp track and deciding to postpone the start until noon.  With a strong breeze and the sun finally emerging, managing the pitch... Read more