Tonbridge School
Tonbridge School
After the wettest February in the south of England since records began nearly two hundred years ago, Stragglers were delighted to find a covered wicket at Tonbridge School, which had avoided the worst of the weather. However, the weather was not quite ready for...
Tonbridge School XI
Tonbridge School XI
The Straggler season did not start well in 2022, and that was before a ball had been bowled. The first person to step onto the field of play was Benny Smallwood, unashamedly donning a pair of black ‘Nike Airmax’, footwear The Head at Tonbridge had never been...
Tonbridge School XI
Despite minimal rain forecast for the hours of play at Tonbridge, the day began with a message from P. Mitchell saying, “looks like the game is in the balance”. Concerns were raised as to whether he had his dates mixed up (again) and that he was in the south-west,...