

Another day, another game and another Straggler bowling performance of note. The next-gen opening pair of Freddie Evans (2 for 28) and Jasper Williams (1 for 15) were on the money from the outset, the hard-hitting Folkestone top order kept honest and then removed,... Read more


What looked like a ferociously strong Straggler batting line up arrived at Folkestone, and Fred Sharp (33) set off at a gallop. However, with the honourable exception of Tom McCarty (19), who clung on grimly as the middle order evaporated, form seemed to have deserted... Read more


A spell of relentlessly precise death bowling by Ben and Jasper took the Stragglers from what was heading to certain defeat to the brink of a remarkable victory at Folkestone, the match only decided on the final ball.  The Straggler innings began slowly and got slower... Read more


Another strong, albeit slightly more elderly, Straggler side turned up in Folkestone, packed with future Snape in-laws (three Martins), to face a strong northerly gale blowing from the downs.  Unlike some 2020 games, in which fortunes have swung wildly during the... Read more