Chairman’s Blog

Not able to see the Wood for the sunshine

Tom had a torrid time dealing with the weather at Tenterden on Sunday.  Although not as late as his skipper, Jasper, Tom managed to misjudge the rain delayed start to get in a round of golf at Deal and then have some lunch before setting off (is he taking lessons from...

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Keeping it in the family

The annual all Straggler fixture has involved a few familial contests over the years, but none have seen quite so many close relatives removed.  The Gordons set the tone with reciprocal dismissals, when Joe bowled Alastair for his second Straggler wicket; Alastair...

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Terracotta army reshod in blue suede

A week is along time in politics, and an even longer time for a terracotta warrior, particularly one now blessed with blue suede shoes - the Elvis Presley of the terracotta army.  The change of foot wear did not make him any earlier to the ground - Tom Spurling had...

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