King’s School XI

King’s School XI

For the first time in 2024, the Stragglers found themselves batting first (lost the toss and invited to bat, so the King’s School strike bowler could have a go at the Stragglers before heading off to perform in Dido and Aeneas – one of the more unusual reasons... Read more

King’s School XI

After the sunshine and cricketing success in Menorca, the Stragglers came back to earth (and a very cold earth at 11C) with a bang at Kings.  Losing the toss and sent out to field under grey skies and with rain threatening, the Straggler opening pair, Hugo and Seb,... Read more

King’s XI

An unexpectedly warm and sunny Birleys greeted the Stragglers for the opening fixture of the 2018 season. Losing the toss, the Stragglers were inserted by Kings, who opened with lively pace, and dislodged Will Attwood (6) early, only to bring Jasper out to join a... Read more