Chairman's Blog

Two defeats on the bounce, while Al protects the Sittingbourne boundary

Jul 22, 2013

The Stragglers finally came up short in two successive games after a remarkable run of success – some 10 victories and 3 draws since the last defeat against Nonington in early July 2012. The Babes produced some more resilient batting than has been seen in recent years, and Provender proved most effectively the old axiom about catches winning matches. With batting and bowling talent in abundance, Provender had, for part of the Straggler innings, the unusual sight of a former Kent and England opening bowler keeping wicket to two county level keepers bowling in tandem!!
Tales of Al’s fielding ability had clearly preceded him, as he spent the best past of 35 overs protecting the A2 (Sittingbourne) boundary, and only had one shot hit in his direction all afternoon; there were easier pickings elsewhere.