Chairman’s Blog

Jasper’s Day at Otterden

Sunning himself on a Greek beach, your correspondent missed another highlight of what has turned out to be a pretty vintage season, with a fourth centurion. Jasper Smallwood threw his hat firmly into the ring for the 2010 batting award with an unbeaten century in the...

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A Family Affair (and tension rises in Faversham)

With three Smallwoods fresh from Portuguese beaches, three rotating Russell-Vicks, and substantial family support for Alex, Barney, Ben and Archie, accompanied by a picnic lunch in front of the Church, Beneden provided a perfect setting for another Straggler vistory....

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Catching the monsoon (or no-balling your father)

With the rest of the county awash, Belmont remained (almost) dry. The Fixture Secretary's XI, fielding first in what started as a T20 in rain, elected to change it to T30 when the rain stopped, but continued to struggle with the ball shooting off the wet wicket. In...

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99 Red Balloons

No, not balloons but the combined age of the Straggler first change bowlers, the Master Brewer and the Chairman. The red mist had descended on the Straggler batsmen earlier in the afternoon, who, with the honourable exceptions of Theo and the said Brewer, seemed to...

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Running for cover

Running between the wickets frequently presents interesting challenges for the marginally aware or alert. At Broadstairs against Thanet U17, both sides managed to produce moments of high farce. The highlight for the Stragglers was to see both Olla Tennant and Tom Wood...

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French Revolutions

In 1789 King George III despatched a cricket touring party to enhance cross channel goodwill and improve social relations in France, then teetering on the edge of revolution under Louis XVI. They never made it beyond Dover, as they were met there by His Majesty's...

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